Dear parents and tutors,
The APALFIP is a fundamental actor on the school community. When you enrol your pupil at the LFIP, you become members of the Associação de Pais (Parents Association) with full rights. But what exactly does the association do?
Throughout the school year, we carry out actions to improve the school life and the teaching conditions for our children:
- replying the questions of the students’ parents,
- giving suggestions and submitting a complaint to the General Board, if necessary,
- presenting our lists at the Conselho de Estabelecimento (Institution Board) and at the Conselho de Escola (School Council),
- preparing agreements with partners,
- organising activities at the institution (Lunchtime workshops, Back to school pic-nic, Christmas Market, Year Book, End of Year Party, Coffee for Parents, chocolate giveaway at the end of the year, Carnival tea, etc.)
The APALFIP Association is elected at a General Meeting, for which you are invited. It takes place at least once a year and it defines the Association’s main lines of action.
This association is not only an advisory body: it is closely involved with the school life and it coordinates the actions of the students’ parents within the different school bodies:
- The Assembleia Geral (General Meeting).
- The Conselho de Escola (School Council),
- The Comité de Educação para a Saúde e Cidadania (Education Committee for Health and Citizenship),
- The Conselho do Secundário (Secondary School Council),
- The Comité de Saúde e Segurança (Health and Safety Committee),
- The Conselho de Estabelecimento (Institution Council),
- The Conselho Fiscal (Supervisory Board),
- The Conselho Disciplinar (Disciplinary Board),
- The Delegados dos Pais nos Conselhos de Turma (Parents Representatives at the Class Councils),
We know that it is important to hear new ideas and opinions. That is why we request your cooperation in order to give suggestions, to help us define and implement new projects, etc. All parents may participate, whether or not they are members of the association.
In short, we need ALL PARENTS.
I wish you all an excellent school year.
Marco Alves, President of the APALFIP
- Mail : apalfip@gmail.com
- For a personalized appointment please write to the address mentioned above.