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CDI - Document and Information Centre

CDI – Document and Information Centre


The CDI of the Lycée Français International de Porto is not just a centre for documentation and information but also a library.  It is under the responsibility of a documentalist teacher who ensures its management.

It is a centre for multimedia resources which is available to students, starting from the 5th year (CM2) through 12th year (Terminale), and all the employees of the LFIP.

The students can use the CDI during their free time (free hour, interval, or mid-day break), for work, reading, research, working on projects, and requesting materials.

The CDI offers a collection comprised of novels, tales, short stories, albums, comics, magazines, books and films/documentaries, appropriate to each level of student user, the majority in French and Portuguese, but also in English.

The data base can be consulted on line through the portal  E-sidoc

Educational series are regularly organised in the CDI under the responsibility of the documentalist teacher

The CDI is also an area where diverse cultural events take place, for example meetings with authors or exhibitions which offer a diverse approach to the French speaking world.

The Golden Rules of the CDI

The CDI is a work space. The students should, therefore, exhibit good behaviour and respect the work of others.

The students can come to the CDI during free times and after classes.  They should sign up ahead of time with the proctors and should have a specific project (the CDI is not a study room!!!) The documentalist will be available to students to help and guide them through the pursuit of their research.

Whether during the recess or during the mid-day break, the CDI is not a meeting space, nor is it a cafeteria (drinks and food are forbidden).

The books should be handled with care and should not be defaced, torn, or drawn in.  They will be arranged following a planned classification, in order to conserve the coherence of the documentary collection.

The use of mobile phones is completely prohibited in the CDI unless approved by the documentalist teacher

The documentalist is part of the educational team:  a student who does not respect the rules can be punished or asked to leave and return to the classroom.

The Lending of Documents
  • The library materials (novels, documentaries) can be taken out for a renewable period of 15 days.
  • The following cannot be taken out: dictionaries, encyclopedias, books which are fragile, oversized or rare.
  • The documents reserved for the students of the Senior School cannot be taken out by students of the Junior School without a prior agreement with the documentalist.

In case of damage or loss of a document, the legal guardians of the student will be advised and will have to pay an amount according to the damages done.

Computer Equipment
  • 7 computers linked to the LFIP network are available to students ;
  • 1 printer ;
  • 1 video projector

The use of the Internet should respect the rules and regulations for proper use of the computer systems and networks of the Lycée Français International de Porto.


  • Monday / Tuesday / Thursday / Friday  :  8:35 to 17:50;
  • Wednesday  8:35 to 12:45.


Documentalist (Sra Agnès Meilhac) :