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Contact With the Professional World

Observation Internship in a Professional Environment

The Lycée Français International de Porto will organise an observation internship in a professional environment for 8th and 10th year students.

The main objectives of this initiative are as follows:

  • Make the students aware of the economic, technological and professional environments which they involve;
  • Provide the students a first exposure to the world of work, its realities and obligations;
  • Observe the day to day routine of a business or institution and the functioning of one or various services;
  • Reinforce the importance of school and training before entering professional life.

The assistance of businesses is essential for the students in their choice of an observation internship which will allow them to better understand the economic world which surrounds us.

We appreciate, despite the constraints which this initiative imposes, that these businesses welcome our students and participate in an active way, in a vocational orientation organised by the LFIP.

It is possible to find information and documents relative to the organisation of these internships here.

You can download the internship agreement in English for 8th here.

You can download the internship agreement in English for 10th here.

Professions Forum

The Professions Forum, at the Lycée Français International de Porto, is held every year at the end of January.

Educational Objectives

  • Bring school and business closer together, raising the awareness of the students of the workings of the professional world;
  • Lead the students to understand the different facets of a specific profession;
  • Open horizons about “new professions” and the dynamics of the world of work.

Target Market

The Professions Forum is designed for students from the 9th and 10th years, between 13 and 15 years of age and who have finished Junior School (3rd cycle) or started a new cycle in the Senior School.

Specifically, during one afternoon, professionals from many various areas (photographer, pilot, pediatric doctor, aerospace engineer, organic agronomist, graphic designer, ...) share their experiences, professional paths, present their professions and respond to the questions of the students during round table discussions.

The students, according to the areas that interest them, sign up to meet the professionals which most interest them. It is the opportunity to ask questions, to listen to the narrative of personal experiences, for learning and questioning about their professional calling.

Would You Like to Participate in the Professions Forum?

If you would be interested in participating, or know someone who could enrich our meetings with their presence, dont hesitate to contact us: Paulo Fernandes .

Perhaps, as well, you could share your professional experience, talk about your path and advise our students...

Lunch Talks

An experienced professional presents his profession to students from the 11th and 12th years, his sector of activity and his professional path. This initiative aims to expand the range of tools available to students when they must formulate their choices for entering Higher Education.

Lunch Talks

An experienced professional presents his profession to students from the 11th and 12th years, his sector of activity and his professional path. This initiative aims to expand the range of tools available to students when they must formulate their choices for entering Higher Education.