Opening Hours During the School Year
The LFIP is open and welcomes students from 8 :00 to 19 :00 from Monday to Friday
Class Hours
Primary Education : Pre-School (3-5 years) / Primary School (5-11 years)
S = Sequence
- S1 : 08 :45 – 10 :00
- Recreation : 10 :05 – 10 :30
- S2 : 10 :30 – 11 :45 (12:00 for CM1 and CM2 during the Covid epidemic)
- Lunch Break : 11 :45 – 13 :50
- S3 : 13 :50 – 15 :05
- Recreation : 15 :15 – 15 :20
- S4 : 15 :20 – 16 :35 (16:20 for CM1 and CM2 during the Covid epidemic)
Secondary Education: Junior School ( 11-15 years) Senior School (15-18 years)
M = Morning S = Afternoon
- M1 : 08:25 – 09 :20
- M2 : 09 :25 – 10 :20
- Recreation : 10 :20 – 10 :35
- M3 : 10h :40 – 11 :35
- M4 : 11 :40 – 12 :35
- Pause déjeuner : 12 :35 – 13 :45
- S1 : 13 :50 – 14 :45
- S2 : 14 :50 – 15 :45
- Recreation : 15 :45 – 16:00
- S3 : 16:05 – 17:00
- S4 : 17:05 – 18:00 (optional only for the Senior School)
Lunch Break
At noon, the majority of students lunch in the school restaurant.
The lunch break lasts 2 hours 20 minutes for the Primary School and 1 hour 15 minutes for the Secondary School.
Extracurricular Activities
Throughout the year, after the end of afternoon classes, extracurricular activities are suggested for students who wish to participate.
The LFIP is also open during part of the holidays and offers other kinds of activities.