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Orientation Services

Overview of the Orientation Service (In the process of translation)

The team is available to help and advise students and their parents.  Contact us whenever necessary:

In the Documentation Centre (CDI) there are documents which you can also consult.



Julie Gérard Pedro

Psychological Guidance Counsellor (Conselheira de Orientação Psicológica - COP)

May be consulted by appointment during school time

As a psychologist, our counsellor:

  • plays the role of mediator, in order to promote and ensure that the psychic dimension of the individual is taken into account, while fostering his/her autonomy and the development of his/her personality;
  •  helps with the success and monitors the preparation of school and professional projects;
  • fosters the integration of children and young teenagers.

As Guidance Counsellor and in line with the student(s) profile(s):

  • Student follow-up for 6th and 12th years students
  • Informs and guides during the presentation of very selective areas (universities, grandes écoles, BTS, écoles d’art, etc.), business sectors, different professions;
  • Promotes guidance sessions where the paths of different students and professionals are presented, takes part in the execution of pedagogical projects, together with the teachers – for example, the discovery traineeships, organised for 8th grade students (so they can have the chance to discover the world of work).

Sandrine Remelgado

PRIO (Information and Orientation Resource Person)

PRIO’s main goal is to follow up students on their professional guidance process, during the 11th and the 12th years. 
For 11th year students, it is important to start thinking about the “Post-Bac” project, for example, getting information about different university degrees and choosing the “spécialité” courses they want to keep on the 12th year. 
On 12th year, it is important to complete the professional guidance project and to start thinking about a strategy to apply for university degrees. 

To achieve this, several measures are implemented on the 11th and 12th years:
•    Presenting Higher Education systems – not only French but also Portuguese – (to the students and their families);
•    Presenting the “Parcoursup” online platform and helping students with their application process, namely during enrolment, selection and confirmation of the degrees they want, writing the students explanation of their reasons to apply for a certain degree or university, and defining priorities for the selected degrees;
•    Professional guidance interviews with 11th and 12th years students;
•    Meetings with former students; 
•    Conferences with several Higher Education representatives;
•    Visits to Universities, participation in “Portas Abertas” programs;
•    Participation in career guidance events



Paulo Fernandes

Assistant Director

Administrative coaching "Parcoursup" and Portuguese universities