Even if we don’t speak French, can we enroll our child in the LFIP?
Yes, once the students have command of their mother language, they learn foreign languages with no difficulty. Regarding integration, the younger the child, the easier it will be to learn.
We offer FLE – French as a foreign language courses to non-Francophone students. Don’t hesitate to ask for more information from the directors.
Will my child have the opportunity to learn Portuguese?
Yes. At the LFIP, the students learn Portuguese in accord with the official programs of the Portuguese Ministry of Education. In fact, they can attain a level equivalent or superior to that of students who attend a Portuguese school. With the Baccalaureate exam, after the 12th year, our students enter higher education in Portugal with no difficulty.
Higher Education
The Baccalaureate Exam
Since I don’t speak French very well, how can I help my child with his or her homework?
In order for the student to be successful, the LFIP recommends that the parents help as little as possible in the school work of their child. The student learns to manage his or her work at school and it will follow that they will do their home work independently. At home, the parents should incent the child, creating the necessary conditions for him or her to study efficiently (sleep, use of computers, an adequate workspace) and ensure that everything is in order.
Since I don’t speak French well, how can I communicate with the teachers?
The teaching staff is comprised of teachers with French, Portuguese and dual nationality. The staff of teaching and administrative secretaries, together with all those in the “school life” speak perfect Portuguese and French. They can communicate, without difficulty, via e-mail or through the notebook or correspondence notebook in Portuguese.
Are the classes offered in accord with the education offered in other educational institutions?
Yes, our school is a established with the AEFE (“the largest global school”) and recognised by the French Ministry of Education (BO July 2016, page 17).
Equally, it is recognised by the Ministry of Education of the Portuguese Government, so it is possible to pass from one system to the other (entrance and exit of students at any level) and students from the LFIP can enter Portuguese higher education.
What are the earliest and latest times I can leave my child at the school?
At the “garderie” (after school care facility), in the morning from 8:00 and, at the end of the day, until 19:00.
My child is three years old and will enter the “pre-school”. Are there activities in the afternoon?
The hours are from 8:45 to 11:35 and from 13:45 to 16:35.
The students of the Pre-School have time to rest during the afternoon, to respect the bio-rythms of the child.
Does the LFIP offer extracurricular activities?
Yes, there are various activities at the end of the day and on Wednesday afernoons.
The LFIP also offeres daily extracurricular activities during the school holidays.
I have just arrived in Portugal. How can I enroll my children?
The process is described on our website.
Be aware, in order to complete the enrollment it is necessary that the child and the parents have Portuguese financial ID numbers.
Contact Dr. Carla Ribeiro of the secretariat, (adjoint.daf@lfip.pt) who can explain the procedure to follow.
We are leaving Portugal. What should we do to transfer our children?
The departure or transfer of students should be communicated in writing, ahead of time, to the person in charge of the secretariat: an EXEAT file (departure from the school) will be created by the LFIP, with which you can enroll your children in another school.
Contact Dr. Carla Ribeiro of the secretariat, adjoint.daf@lfip.pt who will explain the procedure to follow.
How are we kept informed about meetings, trips, etc organised by the LFIP?
In the Primary school, all the students receive a correspondence notebook which the parents should consult regularly. The Directors and administration communicate with you in French and in Portuguese. In case of urgency, we will contact you by phone. So that we can contact you efficiently, we would appreciate if you could furnish us with your current contact details (Dr. Carla Ribeiro adjoint.daf@lfip.pt).
How can I consult the cafeteria menus?
Easily, on the LFIP website.
My child is signed up for lunch, but lost the cafeteria card.
The student will be able to have lunch without any problem. In the event, if your child does not find the card, you should buy a new one (€2.50) at the secretariat, or you can ask your child to purchase it him or herself.
(Manuela Soares secretariat1.daf@lfip.pt, Paula Monteiro secretariat2.daf@lfip.pt)
Is it possible to change the lunch regime, that is, could my child begin or cease having lunch in the cafeteria, if we wish?
Yes, of course, contact the secretariat: Manuela Soares secretariat1.daf@lfip.pt, Paula Monteiro secretariat2.daf@lfip.pt
I am coming to pick up my child after school and I would like it if he or she could exit alone and meet me outside the school. Is that possible?
We ask that parents of students from the Pre-School go to the class room (or the after-school care facility) to pick up their children.
The parents of students of the Primary school should plan to pick up their children next to the main gate. At the end of the day, from 17:00, the parents should to to the after-school care facility to pick up their children.
We authorise students to depart alone from the school beginning in the 6th year.
We would appreciate if you could respect the rules, so that your children are always safe.
Where can clothing and other lost objects be found?
They are kept in a place which you can access on request, next to the reception area (contact Dr. Fatima Monteiro reception@lfip.pt).
On the other hand, it is also possible to recover lost items on specific days, set by the LFIP. There will be information about these dates at the appropriate time.