The LFIP, through the Comité de Educação para a Saúde e para a Cidadania (CESC) (Education for Health and Citizenship Committee),
- made up of Members of the Board, Teachers, Students and Representatives of the Parents Association,
- which has the mission to observe, to think about and to put forward educational projects, carries out actions which often go beyond the teaching scope, in order to help its students (from pre-school education to the 12th grade) to obtain fundamental values, through four elements, and to become citizens who are truly aware of and active on the world around them.
To carry out the actions, our teaching team gives priority to partnerships with local institutions (PSP, APPACDM, etc.) and to professional contributions (doctors, family planning, companies).
The Percurso Saúde e Cidadania (Health and Citizenship Route) may include an oral examination, on the 9th grade, within the scope of the DNB, if the students chose to take it.
From an early age, it provides basic rules (hygiene, nutrition, quality of life, prevention, etc.), which will be useful for life.
The cornerstones of this aspect are moral and ethical education, teaching for better use of media and information, towards critical thinking, argumentation and debate; its goal is to obtain the fundamental values for the definition of a citizen.
With the support of the Parents association/Representatives of the students, together with the CVL students, the LFIP develops solidary actions aiming to help community members or charities.
The children may be invited to:
- bring donations (which may be personal care products, food, books, etc., depending on what is requested from us);
- become actively involved in organised actions: Solidary Race, Christmas Market, Concert of the Porto private schools, distribution of meals (dinner) at solidarity associations, etc.
All these initiatives empower the students by improving their self-esteem and their motivation and contribute to the development of our institution.
By making the global issues of our time our own issues, the Projeto de Estabelecimento (Institution Project) brings together, within the scope of the Comité Eco-Escolar (Eco-School Committee), a group of players from the school community (students, teachers and non-teaching staff, students’ parents), with an approach of sustainable development (E3D), so that the LFIP is a truly eco-responsible institution.