The "School Life" Service
“School Life”, managed by the Principal Educational Counsellor (CPE), Paulo Carvalho, has three essential missions:
- Ensure the security of the students: surveillance of the playgrounds, management of absences and tardiness, verification of entry and exit from the school.
- Collaborate on pedagogic coaching: participation in the “class committees”, fulfilment of hours of “class life”, coordination with the professors, management of disciplinary measures and punishments...
- Develop educational activities: the training of the student delegates, organisation of outings and trips, recreational activities, contests, tournements, management of student lockers...
The students are divided into three forms per level. Each form is coached by a principal professor, who ensures the coordination of the teaching staff and maintains continuous observation and dialog with the student about his motivations, scholastic results and his abilities.
Once each semester, the class committee meets under the presidency of the Director of the school to review the teaching questions respecting the life of the form.
The committee examines impartially the results obtained by the students, in order to make proposals for orientation and guiding them in their work.
Following class committee meeting, the quarterly bulletins are delivered to the families during a parent/teacher meeting.
The “ PRONOTE” service permits the parents to keep informed regularly, from any computer connected to the internet, about the schoolwork of their children, consulting the marks obtained, the absences and the book of summaries (in electronic format).